Sometimes u just feel it. There is a song you have just heard. It's annoying, it's still coming back, a tune by a tune. Here you have the great song named More by the band called The Sisters of Mercy. I am really enjoy listen to it. What do you think about it? Share the comment.
https://youtu.be/qDuW3NvjqJY -
Waves by the band called Naxatras. The song comes from their album called the same which was released in 2015. A masterpiece of progressive rock music. Brilliant riffs, melodious solos, all stylized on the '70s. I can not find words to describe it. It gained really positive opinion among listeners. SARTON sees a strong inspiration by Peter Green, I can not see it, but try to feel this groove! I can listen to it over and over again, enjoy!
Kvelertak by the band called Kvelertak- just an amazing, the fabulous riff and stunning solo. I would like to present you an amazing metal band from Norway, country of Vikings. I am really enjoy listening to song like this one. I don't understand any words but this guitar... I have a message to all metal and hard rock fans, you need to check it - I am sure you will enjoy it!!
English bellow
Propozycja ode mnie na dzisiaj to kawalek Juno prosto od Bass Astral x Igo. Singiel, który znalazł się na drugim krążku zatytuowanym Orell wydanym w 2017 roku. Muzyka pelna pasji, niespodziewanych przejść i wnoszaca powiew świeżości w świat muzyki elektronicznej, która spotkała się z bardzo pozytywną opinią wśród słuchaczy. Całość wyszła fenomenalnie, brzmienie przenosi mnie w totalnie inny wymiar. Ta głębia, ta pasja - Pan Igor Walaszek otrzymał od matki natury prawdziwy dar, który doskonale wykorzystuje. Polecam serdecznie zapoznać się z całą dyskografią zespołu.
Today I'm going to share with you a piece called Juno by the Bass Astral x Igo duo. The single comes from their second album entitled Orell which was released in 2017. Juno is a breath of freshness in the world of electronic music. It is full of passion and unexpected transitions. No wonder it gained really positive opinion among listeners. The whole is just great - it brings me to a different dimension. Mr. Igor Walaszek received a real gift from Mother Nature and he uses it so well: the depth, the passion in his voice! I'd like to recommend to you the whole discography Bass Astral x Igo. Enjoy!
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